Dog Training Puppy Training in Darlington Middlesbrough Stockton Yarm Wynyard Hartlepool Sedgefield Durham PetPals Darlington PetPals Stockton
Great Paws Dog Training Puppy Training Doggy Day Care Dog Day Care in Darlington Middlesbrough Stockton Yarm Wynyard Hartlepool Sedgefield Durham

Day Train Academy - Training Record

Please complete the below form to support the information you submitted when first booking your DTA Online Induction.

Please provide as much detail of the skill and/or behaviors you would like support with.

Add (where appropriate) any contexts or circumstances you believe are relevant. 

Use the “Life Skill” “Until” & “Behaviour” groupings discussed in your induction to support you.

We will also ask you to provide us with the “Cues” you currently use so we can be consistent at the DTA. 

Some examples to help you

Lead walking.

Fido pulls like a train until we get to the park. Once at the park, they have a good sniff around for 40 mins and then they walk back home lovely. 


Fido is great at recalling when there is nothing around or we are playing with their ball. If they spot a bird they are off and won’t come back when called.

Reaction to Dogs

When Fido sees a dog they will bark and lunge at them and not listen to me or focus back. They are fine if the dog is approx 100 meters away but any closer then they react every time. 

Great Paws Dog Training Puppy Training Doggy Day Care Dog Day Care in Darlington Middlesbrough Stockton Yarm Wynyard Hartlepool Sedgefield Durham